Welcome to Zimo's Portfolio Website


A-maze-ing Pipes

2.5D shooter game made with Unreal Engine 4

This is a group project I've done with my group members in a third year foundamentals of software development course. A-mazing pipes is a 2.5D maze game made with Unreal Engine 4 and C++. There are 7 people in our team. It is all our first time working in a large team. We faced many challenges, but we worked together and solved the problems together. I learned a lot from this project.

Video Demo
title page

Welcome to Zimo's Portfolio Website


Implementation Process

In this project, the instructor tried to let us experience what it is like to work on a software project over a short time frame and it is a mockup of industry software development. We used Agil development system and CASE tools based on JIRA. Jira is linked to document creation tools, a git repository and a chat system. We used Slack as a chat tool.
*All our project work, deliverables and communications were fully documented on these tools, and unfortunately I do not have access to them now. The biggest problem we faced was everyone pictured the game idea differently in their own minds. As the lead artist, I had to change the entire art style of the game in the implementation process because of the design of using the game engine to create a 2.5D game instead of a 2D game.

Design Goals

pipes pipes pipes

Division of Work:

Your software must have a GUI or web-browser interface. It can run on a PC, a Mac or a portable device (or all of the above).

Written Code

A-mazing Game A-mazing Game A-mazing Game