Welcome to Zimo's Portfolio Website


Teddy Bear

2D platformer made with Unity, in progress

This is game idea I came up with last summer. It is a 2D platformer and is a story-based game. I came up with the story idea, but I am still implementiing the game.

Coming soon!

Welcome to Zimo's Portfolio Website


Have you ever felt like you lose yourself? Because of the environment, the voices around us, and all those difficulties and troubles we must face, we started to doubt ourselves, stop trusting ourselves, and let those voices guide our way. Life is full of challenges, we all have hard times, even dark times that we are not sure why we are alive. We might wish that someone would come and rescue us from the darkness, just like what we learned in fairytales when we were children; but life is not a fairytale. “This year I met the most broken version of myself, and also the strongest.”

"If there is ever, even for a fleeting moment, a tiny voice in your head, and that tiny voice is telling you...'I deserve better'. Listen to her. That's your partner. That's your real true love. And if you betray her, long enough, you will lose her. Trust me. I'm still trying to get mine back..."

Welcome to Zimo's Portfolio Website
