Welcome to Zimo's Portfolio Website


Personal Website

The implementation of this portfolio website

I self-learned html and css to implement this website. It was my first time coding a website, so I've been through many struggles, but eventually I overcame the difficulties and complete this website. The website will be continuously updating.

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Welcome to Zimo's Portfolio Website


Implementation Process

The first version of the website was implemented in August, 2022.

It was my first time coding alone in html and css. I chose to use a video that I made for the cover of the website, but I found it not clear enough.

I did some research on Xiaohongshu to get feedback from strangers of what looks better for the cover of the website. It was also my first time using Figma.

I spent some time on website UI designs and decided to keep it simple.

Version 2.0 looks more like a website, yet the layout of the website still needs lots of modification. My initial idea was displaying my projects as cards, yet I thought it would be better to include some text information in the cards.

I started to consider how my website will be displayed on other devices, so here's version 3.0 on iPad.

The version 4.0 is the current version of my website. I changed the theme colour which makes the website looks more gentle and soft.

Written Code

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Welcome to Zimo's Portfolio Website
